Huwebes, Marso 31, 2011

Tapping The Earth For Energy Savings Year-Round

Increasing numbers of homeowners are installing geothermal heat pumps, which take advantage of the constant temperature underground to provide more efficient heating and cooling. Initial costs are high, but a 30 percent federal tax credit can make the systems more affordable.


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Missouri Drops Extended Unemployment Benefits

When eligibility ends Saturday, Missouri will become the only state to voluntarily quit a federal stimulus program that offers extended benefits to people unemployed for more than a year. As a result, more than 34,000 residents could miss out on $105 million in benefits over the next nine months.


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Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right ... (

Senate Iraq hawks berate Bob Gates over handoff of Libya operation to NATO.
Angry lawmakers grill Bob Gates over War Powers Act....

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'The Other Iraq' Has Its Own Problems

Tour groups refer to the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan as "the other Iraq." There, the economy is booming, people are using iPhones and violence is down. But some say the Kurdish success story is a myth.


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Obama Doctrine Not in U.S. Strategic Interest

Michele Bachmann, Today
Lauer: I want to take you back to March 17. It was a Thursday. It was the day that Muammar Gaddafi told the people of Libya and Benghazi that his troops were on the way, they would show no mercy, and they would find them in their closets. If you had been president of the United States on that day, what would you have done specifically?Bachmann: Well, I don't think that at that point that we had seen the threat to the United States either from Gaddafi or have we seen a vital American national interest at risk. That really needs to be our first line of defense because unfortunately there...


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Tea Party Gains Wide Support Among Conservatives

As Democrats accuse Republican congressional leaders of being co-opted by the Tea Party in the federal budget negotiations, a new survey shows that half of all conservative voters ardently support the movement.


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Remembering Critic And Opera Hero John Steane

The British writer's breathtaking knowledge and affable prose set him apart from all others, fueling the passions of opera fans everywhere. Read reminiscences from Steane's fans and friends and hear some of his favorite singers.


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"Freedom Fighters"? Now That's a Howler

Andrew McCarthy, NRO
A “howler,” the Wall Street Journal called it in an editorial yesterday. That certainly is a fitting description of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest mindboggling foray into Middle East analysis. It makes sense, she maintains, for American armed forces to get “kinetic” in Libya but not in Syria because Moammar Qaddafi is a brutal dictator while brutal dictator Bashar Assad is really a “reformer.” Perhaps she has been watching too much al-Jazeera, this former first lady who was so instrumental in her...


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Udalls Blaze Different Trails in the Senate


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N.J. denies backing to planned Glouco power plant

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities dealt a blow Tuesday to a nearly $1 billion Gloucester County power plant project that could have brought 500 construction jobs to the region starting this summer.


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FDA Probes Link Between Food Dyes, Kids' Behavior

The Food and Drug Administration is meeting Wednesday and Thursday to examine whether artificial food dyes cause hyperactivity in children. Recent studies have drawn this link, causing some experts to call on the FDA to ban the dyes ? or at least require a warning label.


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Secretary Clinton To Brief Congress On Libya Mission

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, facing a closed-door grilling on U.S. policy in Libya. She's likely to face some of the same questions that she and her coalition partners grappled with at the London conference Tuesday, such as: What's the end-game with Moammar Gadhafi?


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Remembering Critic And Opera Hero John Steane

The British writer's breathtaking knowledge and affable prose set him apart from all others, fueling the passions of opera fans everywhere. Read reminiscences from Steane's fans and friends and hear some of his favorite singers.


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FDA Probes Link Between Food Dyes, Kids' Behavior

The Food and Drug Administration is meeting Wednesday and Thursday to examine whether artificial food dyes cause hyperactivity in children. Recent studies have drawn this link, causing some experts to call on the FDA to ban the dyes ? or at least require a warning label.


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A Budget Deal Could Be Close at Hand (The Atlantic)

Vice President Joe Biden says Republicans and Democrats are now "working off
the same number"

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Gates, Mullen defend Libya military action against congressional critics (CNN)

Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday defended the decision to intervene
in Libya, arguing that action was necessary to prevent a humanitarian disaster
and refugee crisis.

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Gaddafi Must Go -- But Where?

Carl Cannon, RealClearPolitics
One day after speaking to the American people about the U.S. military intervention in Libya, President Obama said in a television interview that Muammar Gaddafi and those in his inner circle "know their days are numbered."Maybe they do, maybe they don't. But one question raised by Obama's remarks is whether they will help Gaddafi step away from the world stage -- or whether such bravado will rouse the Libyan leader and his loyalists to fight until the bitter end, thereby increasing the carnage in that beleaguered North African nation. Receive news alertsThe past is...


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Lost Bronx Zoo Cobra Tweets His Adventures

The missing Bronx Zoo cobra has mysteriously appeared ? with his very own twitter feed. Melissa Block and Michele Norris track his exploits in the Big Apple.


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Higher Radiation Found Outside Japan Nuclear Plant

New readings show radiation levels continue to rise in the ocean outside a leaking nuclear plant in Japan's northeast, officials said Thursday, as they debated whether to broaden the evacuation zone around the tsunami-damaged facility,


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Are U.S. Rhetoric, Action In Libya In Line?

The U.S. administration has imposed limits on its own actions in Libya, ruling out the use of ground troops or explicitly targeting Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Some say that leaves a disconnect between the president's rhetoric and military moves.


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Rebels' 'Vision Statement' Has Familiar Ring

Simon Tisdall, Guardian
Vision statements come and go, usually unremarked and always unfulfilled. But today's effort by the self-styled Libyan Interim National Council, the western-backed government-in-waiting, is a masterpiece of the genre.The two-page declaration, published to coincide with the international conference on Libya's future hosted in London by David Cameron, aspires to all that is correct, admirable, and fashionable in the booming nation-building and nation-shaping business.


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Foreign Policy: Democracy Doesn't Fix Everything

With pro-democracy protests sweeping across the Middle East in recent months, Charles Kenny of Foreign Policy argues that though democracies are positive in the long run, moving toward a democratic government won't solve a country's problems.


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A Deal On Spending? (


The Hill reports that Republican and Democratic negotiators may be getting
close to a deal on FY 2011 spending:

> A source familiar with the talks said members of the Senate and House
Appropriations panels are working toward a target of $33 billion in spending
cuts. The $33 billion goal splits the difference between $30 billion in cuts
Senate Democrats have proposed and $36 billion in cuts Boehner suggested in
talks with White House officials, according to the source.


> The $33 billion would be close to the cuts first proposed by House GOP
leaders, who moved to $61 billion in proposed cuts under pressure from
freshmen in their conference. Policy language defunding the new healthcare law
and Planned Parenthood, which conservatives have insisted should be in a final
deal, remains a sticking point.

Democrats give the impression that they are salivating over the prospect of a
government shutdown. That may be bluff; I haven't seen any any poll data that
suggest the Republicans would be "blamed" any more than the Democrats.

Is $33 billion a reasonable deal for the GOP? The answer depends mostly on
political calculation. The real showdown will be over the FY ...
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Schumer Orchestrating a Gov't Shutdown

Andrew Stiles, National Review
Get FREE NRO NewslettersLog In to Comment  |  RegisterFollow Us Everywhere         April 4 Issue Subscribe to NR Renew April 4 Issue  |  Subscribe  |  RenewPage Tools TEXT RESIZE     RSS Feed  Print Version  NRO LinksSet Sail with NRJoin Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, Jay Nordlinger,...


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Miyerkules, Marso 30, 2011

2012's Known Unknowns

Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Political handicapping has always been an inexact science, if not a foolhardy undertaking.   But anyone claiming to have a handle on the 2012 House-race landscape is selling fool's gold.To borrow a phrase from former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, there are so many "known unknowns" with redistricting and candidate recruitment that it's nearly impossible to make even broad projections on who will be best-positioned to pick up seats.


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The Root: Obama Takes A Moral Stand On Libya

On Monday, President Obama addressed the nation to argue his case for U.S. military action in Libya. Jack White of The Root argues that the president's principles for intervention were based off morals rather than policies ? and though that's somewhat admirable, it's worrisome that we don't know what the endgame is.


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Everyday Radiation Exposure Is A Tiny Health Risk

We've heard about radiation from the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan reaching U.S. shores. Professor Peter Caracappa, of the Rensselaer Polytenchic Institute, talks to Renee Montagne about different types of radiation people encounter and how to weigh the risks.


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In Quake-Struck Japan, Businesses Try To Rebuild

The March 11th earthquake in Japan destroyed countless businesses and left many others closed. Some suffered earthquake damage. Others were flooded by the tsunami. And some near the crippled Fukushima nuclear complex can't get supplies. But despite the challenges facing small businesses in the area, many owners are trying to reopen.


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Ohio House OKs Collective Bargaining Limits

The measure affects safety workers, teachers, nurses and a host of other government personnel. It allows unions to negotiate wages but not health care, sick time or pension benefits. It also does away with automatic pay increases in favor of merit raises.


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Obama Aims To Reduce Foreign Oil Reliance

With gas prices going up and trouble with the nuclear plant in Japan, President Obama said in a speech that the U.S. must become less dependent on foreign sources of energy. He wants to cut American oil imports by a third over the next decade.


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At Japan Plant, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Nearly three weeks after the earthquake and tsunami wreaked havoc on an aging nuclear power plant on Japan's Pacific coast, officials handling the crisis face multiplying hurdles, making the end goal of a stable facility with a functioning cooling system seem further from reach.


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Supreme Court Takes Up Wal-Mart Bias Lawsuit

The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in the largest gender discrimination suit in U.S. history, a case that pits Wal-Mart against roughly 1.5 million of its current and former female workers. The company argues that the case is too big to be handled in a class action lawsuit.


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Enemy 'Weakened,' Afghan Security Forces 'Capable'

Major Gen. Richard Mills commands Marines and NATO troops in southern Afghanistan. He is about to finish his assignment, and he talks to Renee Montagne about the progress he's seen.


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Syrians Flee As Government Acts Against Protesters

Renee Montagne talks with James Hider, the Middle East bureau chief for the Times of London, who is in Amman, Jordan. He's been spending time on the Syrian border talking to the stream of Syrian refugees.


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Can Japan Overcome Economic Hurdles?

It's estimated that the cost of damage from the giant earthquake and tsunami in Japan could exceed $300 billion. That doesn't include the costs to the economy from lost production. On top of that, Japan faces an ongoing power shortage caused by its nuclear crisis and an already huge government debt burden.


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Key Republicans Seek IRS Investigation Of AARP

Three members of the influential House Ways and Means Committee released a report Tuesday questioning whether the seniors lobby deserves to keep its tax-exempt status. The lawmakers say AARP stands to make a "windfall" from the new health care law the organization supported.


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Raising Age For Medicare Would Save Feds Dough, Cost Everyone Else

Postponing Medicare eligibility by a couple of years could save the federal government billions of dollars. But the savings would be overshadowed by increased costs of health care for employers, individuals and other programs.


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Judges Reject Release Of Guantanamo Bay Detainee

A three-judge appellate panel said it was unlikely that Uthman Abdul Rahim Mohammed Uthman just happened to be in the wrong places at the wrong time. A lower court had granted his release after more than nine years in prison.


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The Nation: Obama Doctrine Effects More Than Libya

In light of President Obama's recent speech on the intervention in Libya, Robert Dreyfuss of The Nation argues that it sounds like the U.S. military attacks on Libya may set an ominous precedent for Iran.


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N.J. denies backing to planned Glouco power plant

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities dealt a blow Tuesday to a nearly $1 billion Gloucester County power plant project that could have brought 500 construction jobs to the region starting this summer.


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Weekly Standard: Save American Industry From EPA

The Senate is scheduled to vote this week on a measure that would stop the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases, a vote which upsets some environmentalists. But Mario Loyola of The Weekly Standard argues that it's time for the Senate to stop the EPA's unprecedented power grab.


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Weekly Standard: Obama Has Come A Long Way

President Obama spoke on matters relating to Libya on Monday night, a move that many were waiting for. William Kristol of The Weekly Standard argues that it was just the kind of speech that the country needed to hear, and shows that Obama is ready to throw his hat into the ring of traditional American foreign policy.


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Obama to Call for 1/3 Cut in Oil Imports

Steven Mufson, Washington Post
Top BlogsTop BlogsTop BlogsPresident Obama on Wednesday will call for a one-third cut in oil imports by 2020, part of a plan he says will reduce U.S. dependence on foreign petroleum.0CommentsTweet VideoVideo: March 29 (Bloomberg) -- Mike Wittner, global head of oil research at Societe Generale SA, talks about the impact political turmoil has had on the oil industry and the outlook for gasoline prices in the U.S. Wittner speaks with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg Television's "Bottom Line." More on this StoryView all Items in this StoryWith rising gasoline prices at home and...


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FDA Probes Link Between Food Dyes, Kids' Behavior

The Food and Drug Administration is meeting Wednesday and Thursday to examine whether artificial food dyes cause hyperactivity in children. Recent studies have drawn this link, causing some experts to call on the FDA to ban the dyes ? or at least require a warning label.


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Voting With Their Feet

Thomas Sowell, Investor's Business Daily
The latest published data from the 2010 census show how people are moving from place to place within the United States. In general, people are voting with their feet against places where the liberal, welfare-state policies favored by the intelligentsia are most deeply entrenched.When you break it down by race and ethnicity, it is all too painfully clear what is happening. Both whites and blacks are leaving California, the poster state for the liberal, welfare-state and nanny-state philosophy. Receive news alertsWhites are also fleeing the big northeastern liberal, welfare states like...


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New Republic: Post-Speech, Some Questions Linger

President Obama addressed the American people on Monday in order to clarify reasons and expectations for military engagement in Libya. The editors of The New Republic argue that the speech was admirable and assertive, but Obama left a few things unsaid: namely, what to do about Gadhafi.


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Lessons Learned From Three Mile Island's Meltdown

Monday is the anniversary of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history. The partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island on March 28, 1979, was a major setback for nuclear power in the U.S. But the industry did learn some crucial lessons about safety and crisis management from the accident.


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Donald's Hiring (TIME)

Trump is courting lawmakers for a position on his staff. Also: He will travel
to NH in June.

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Martes, Marso 29, 2011

I?ll Take Godwin for $1,000: Wisconsin Rule of Law Edition* (

Pre-publication update: Yes, I know that John has already posted on this while
I made the error of dining with my wife. But I just love the picture below
too much not to press the button. Do not mess with justice, I say. __ Via
TPM, we find that Wisconsin Judge Maryann Sumi (echoing a [...]

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Congress Reacts To Obama's Speech

Congress reacts to President Obama's speech on Libya. The president defended American military strikes, saying they prevented a potential massacre in Benghazi. But the question remains: What about Moammar Gadhafi?


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Environmentalist Monbiot Supports Nuclear Power

Watching the outcome of how the earthquake and tsunami affected Japan, one environmentalist says he's convinced that nuclear is better than coal. NPR's Melissa Block talks with Guardian columnist George Monbiot about his decision.


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Libya Crisis Would've Echoed 'Across The Region'

President Obama explained his Libya policy in an address Monday night. He said the military assault on Libya was in America's national interest but that U.S. involvement would be limited. What the president didn't provide was what members of Congress have been asking for: A clear picture of how the Libya campaign will end and when.


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